
Showing posts from June, 2019

Dinner Parties

I remember many moons ago, my parents would throw semi formal dinner parties; colleagues and bosses would be invited, there'd be a frenzy in the kitchen preparing multiple course dinners.  A fews days previous to the party there would be discussions about the menu, and the day itself would be marked partly by excitement and partly by panic.  We'd help clean the house, mostly by shoving all the junk under the bed or in the cupboards unreachable to any young children accompanying the adult. Adorned in our best clothes we would spritz on some mom's imported perfumes, ready to greet our guests at the door when the bell rang.  I distinctly remember looking forward to these parties, especially as the prized China would come out of the vitrine, the choicest matching cutlery too,  the "special occasions only" stuff. And there would be a feast. One famous appetizer, a 'go to',  was my mom's Pot kebabs, an Anglicised version of the original turkish keb...