Virginia Woolf once said that a woman must have money and a room of her own to write fiction, I feel it holds true for blogs as well in my case. I particularly need a room with a view, either a snow capped mountain or a rumbling sea full of waves.
The last month and a half had been intensely busy, to say the least, My in laws were visiting us for the first time in out 4 year marriage and it was an event of sorts. The preparations had been going on for weeks for them as well as for us. We had to get the house in order, the guest bedroom tidied up and the refrigerator stocked. The only thing we couldn't get in order was the weather, this year summer has been playing hide and seek so the in laws has to embrace the cold and wet which certainly needed some getting used to.
We had certain trips planned for this period and while all this was going on I had my online course on Literary Theories going full swing. Some days I would catch up on the studies while my mother in law cooked lunch and it is so comforting to know that you are going to have at least a three course lunch that you haven't spent half a day cooking.
Finally, they left the Sunday past and the house suddenly drowned in silence and inactivity. No more waking up to voices from the other room full swing in discussion about nothing early in the morning, now the dishes remain piled up in the sink, no one to fight with over the washing and I have my coffee by my bedside table, sipping on without any company except my faithful laptop that still lights up to see.
There is an odd sort of comfort in knowing that life has a way of falling back in its old routine no matter how the last months or even years have been spent.
We spend our time planning and looking forward to things like vacations, family visits and birthdays etc. which come and go and leave a certain vacuum as the occasions and festivities end. Early morning around 4 today I was woken up by a strong flash of lightening followed by the crackling of thunder, I instinctively got up to close the window of the bedroom expecting rain. When I got back in bed, there were still flashes until the showers started and the thunders waned, so all I could hear was the constant drumming of the rain on the ground (I live on the ground floor). It made me think of a new dawn, that we would wake up to and start new plans, new journeys and await pleasant surprises and unexpected guests.